lazy to blog so juz let mi upload photo k.. nv upload everything juz upload those i feel nt bad de.. if not my blog like very boring horz.. so there u go :
-= new friend(daniel) known from UQ thru' michelle =-
-= ScEneRy oN GOODWILL Bridge =-
-= trying to be an extra in the photo? =-
-= taken at South Bank =-
-= GrOup pHoto oF Singaporean on Surfer Paradise(Gold Coast) beach =-
-= oUtSide Hard RoCk Cafe @ SurFer ParAdiSe witH my cHoCoLate iCe-cReaM iN cOLd wEatHEr =-
-= South Bank Night view, taken on while i'm on ferry =-
-= Nice vIew at Mt Cool-tAr. It FrEEZiNg!! =-
-= tHe wHoLe bEacH iS miNe. sTroNg wInD.. sTrOnG wAve.. FiNe sAnd =-
-= SurFer ParAdiSe =-
-= mE @ sUrFer pAradiSe.. tHe sAnD is so FinE n sMooTh ! =-
-= "yenwei" is on the beach =-